Max Dana - Website


"60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary" Initiative

For the 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

In 2008, Max Dana launched the 60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary Initiative to support the Every Human Has Rights Campaign, commemorating the 60th anniversary of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Recognized as both an artist and philanthropist, Max is the driving force behind the MagkaSama Project, which she founded in 2003. With a deep commitment to international affairs and human rights, she has long preferred to stay out of the media spotlight, allowing her creative work to convey her message. However, in honor of the UDHR’s 60th anniversary, she lent her support to the Every Human Has Rights Campaign, led by The Elders, a distinguished group including Kofi Annan, Jimmy Carter, Graça Machel, Nelson Mandela, Mary Robinson, and Desmond Tutu. The concept of The Elders was originally conceived by British musician Peter Gabriel and entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson in 1999.
60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary Initiative By Max Dana
For this occasion, Max created an original artwork and spent months engaging with representatives from 60 renowned organizations worldwide, including Amnesty International, UNICEF, UNHCR, Human Rights Watch, FIDH, Reporters Without Borders, OMCT, and UNESCO. She also met with Ambassador Stéphane Hessel, a key contributor to the drafting of the UDHR in 1948, and François Zimeray, the French Ambassador for Human Rights.

Beyond these high-profile discussions, Max connected with volunteers, humanitarian advocates, aid workers, medical professionals, and human rights lawyers. She also had the honor of meeting the 30 recipients of the Every Human Has Rights Media Awards. Each of these individuals wholeheartedly supported her initiative and endorsed the original artwork she created as a tribute to the UDHR.

The initiative was a resounding success, garnering widespread attention and enthusiastic backing from both organizations and individuals. It played a significant role in raising awareness of human rights during this milestone anniversary.

Geneviève Garrigos, President of Amnesty International France and partner of the Every Human Has Rights campaign declared:
By marking human rights on every inch of the globe she drew, even on the most remote places in the world, Max Dana enforces the universality of the Declaration of Human Rights on its 60th anniversary.
Katy Cronin, Communications Director, The Elders added:
I am very grateful to Max Dana for her creative and inspiring support for The Elders and the Every Human Has Rights campaign. This artwork is a wonderful reminder that any committed individual can take action to change the world for the better. Thank you Max! And don’t stop now!
Jean-François Julliard, Secretary general, Reporters without Borders - RWB/RSF said:
It is a great initiative and an orignal and creative way to raise awareness on human rights. The universality of Human Rights shouldn't restrain to signers on a map, all the people who signed this art piece should now act and defend Human Rights the best they can.
The artwork was officially presented to Ingrid Srinath, Secretary-General and CEO of CIVICUS, in April 2009 in London, with Katy Cronin, Communications Director of The Elders, in attendance. The following month, the original piece was delivered to CIVICUS headquarters in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Read the full article here.

L’initiative : ’60 Signatures pour le 60e Anniversaire’ a été lancée par l’artiste designer Max Dana en soutien à la campagne Every Human Has Rights à l’occasion du 60e anniversaire de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme en 2008. Artiste engagée et fondatrice du MagkaSama Project, Max Dana supporte activement les droits de l'homme, et si son engagement est entier, ses actions restent souvent discrètes mais toujours avec la volonté d’alerter et d’attirer l’attention sur des faits de société, notamment par le biais artistique. C’est dans ce cadre qu’à l’occasion du 60e anniversaire de la Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme, Max est sortie de sa réserve habituelle pour mettre sa créativité au service de la campagne Every Human Has Rights, mise en place par The Elders. La fondation compte parmi ses membres et fondateurs Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Jimmy Carter, Richard Branson, Jeff Skoll, Mary Robinson, Kofi Annan ou encore Peter Gabriel.
Vous trouverez l'intégralité de la présentation sur cette page.

60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary Initiative by Max Dana
CIVICUS Staff Members holding Max Dana's collective artwork at the organization's headquarters in Johannesburg, South Africa

World of Sama


Kids Workshop with Max Dana

Sama Kids Day (also known as the Kids Workshop) is a unique event founded by Max Dana. Since 2006, she has hosted these workshops, bringing children and the arts together to inspire creativity and emotional exploration through painting, music, photography, and theater. The primary goal is to nurture global awareness, foster empathy, and instill a sense of global citizenship through arts education and interactive discussions.

These workshops address key challenges faced by young people, including (cyber)bullying, poverty, and environmental issues—topics that strongly resonate with younger generations. By promoting values of respect and compassion, the workshops help participants navigate these obstacles while encouraging self-expression, critical thinking, and meaningful dialogue. Through shared experiences, children gain new perspectives, develop cultural understanding, and cultivate positive behaviors. The workshops also serve as a platform for young individuals to connect, collaborate, and grow together in a spirit of tolerance and unity, while fostering engagement within the global community.

Max is deeply inspired by the belief that “The world is sustained by the breath of children who study” and firmly advocates for education—broadly defined—as a fundamental force in shaping open-minded, enlightened future generations.

Read more about Max Dana's Activities with the MagkaSama Project.

Depuis 2006, Max Dana organise des ateliers appelés 'Sama Kids Day' avec des jeunes venant d'horizons divers, qui leur permettent de s'exprimer de manière créative afin d'explorer leurs émotions par le biais de la peinture, de la musique, de la photographie, du théâtre... Le but est de développer une conscience commune et de construire de l'empathie à travers l'expression artistique et la discussion. Ces ateliers sont axés sur des problématiques que de nombreux jeunes rencontrent, comme le (cyber)harcèlement, la pauvreté mais aussi le sujet de l'environnement auquel les jeunes générations sont particulièrement sensibles, et de les aider à surmonter ces épreuves en leur apprenant le respect et la compassion. Les activités sont diverses et offrent la possibilité à chacun de parler librement, d'exprimer ses sentiments et ses idées, de développer leur sens critique dans un moment de partage commun. L'occasion de mettre les choses en perspective pour mieux comprendre les autres cultures, favoriser les comportements positifs et connecter les jeunes pour apprendre à avancer ensemble dans la tolérance. Inspirée par les sages paroles 'Le monde ne se maintient que par le souffle des enfants qui étudient' Max considère que l'éducation, au sens large du terme, est un élément essentiel dans la construction des adultes ouverts et éveillés de demain.
Plus d'information sur cette page.

Sama Kids Workshops With Max Dana

World of Sama


From Sama Readers to Committed Samayans

The Sama Fraternal Society (formerly known as the Sama Epicurean Fraternal Society) emerged from the dedicated readers of the World of Sama websites, founded by Max Dana in the mid-’90s. These early followers—and all those who continue to engage with Max's work—form the Samayan Community and are known as Samayans.

This journey began in 1994 when Max launched her first virtual exhibition, showcasing her creative works online. She later introduced newsletters that offered deeper insights into her artistic universe, touching on her passion for organic farming, sustainability, whole food recipes, and fair trade initiatives. Through active discussions among Samayans, this collaborative exchange led to the creation of the Sama Epicurean Fraternal Society, headquartered at Sama Café in SamaVille—the only place to find the legendary Samacarons!

Since her teenage years, Max has been a dedicated advocate for human rights. In 2003, she launched a newsletter to raise awareness about the genocide in Darfur, Sudan, aiming to inform and mobilize action. Moved by the crisis, the Samayans played a crucial role in spreading awareness, laying the foundation for what would later become the MagkaSama Project. Three years later, fueled by the commitment of its members and their shared vision for a more engaged, inclusive, and tolerant society, Max Dana officially established the Sama Fraternal Society.

Announcement news by Max Dana (2010):

The Sama Fraternal Society belongs to you! For nearly 15 years online, I’ve shared my inspirations and work with you. Some of you have been visiting my websites for over a decade, and together, we’ve grown—exchanging ideas, perspectives, and meaningful discussions. This dialogue has been a constant source of motivation for me. With the launch of the Sama Gazette in 2009, our connection deepened even further, and many of you chose to take action, supporting the causes and organizations highlighted by the Sama Team.

And that’s how the Sama Fraternal Society came to life—born naturally from this shared energy and purpose. Propelled by positivity and strength, today marks its official announcement. Below, you’ll find more details about its mission, origins, and goals. My hope is that it inspires collaboration and encourages an open, optimistic mindset—especially as challenges continue to grow for many. We may not claim to change the world overnight, but I firmly believe in the saying: “Tall oaks from little acorns grow!” ^_^

Through initiatives led or supported by Max Dana, as well as content shared across the World of Sama platforms, individuals are encouraged to champion causes that align with their values and abilities. While the MagkaSama Project invites Samayans to engage in human rights, gender equality, and anti-discrimination efforts, its reach often extends to broader themes such as environmentalism, ethics, and justice. With a diverse range of topics, these initiatives empower individuals to recognize global challenges and understand the efforts needed to drive meaningful change.

The Sama Fraternal Society brings together people from around the world who share a desire to contribute positively—whether in their personal lives, families, communities, or professional spheres.

More than a decade since its inception, the Samayan community continues to grow, with members becoming increasingly active. If you've been waiting for the right moment to take part in something meaningful, now is the perfect time to join the movement!

La Sama (anciennement Epicurienne) Fraternal Society a pris naissance au coeur des lecteurs des sites que composent le Monde des Sama (World of Sama) créés par Max Dana dès le milieu des années 90. Ces tous premiers lecteurs mais aussi ceux qui suivent aujourd'hui encore les activités de Max font partie de cette communauté et sont appelés les Samayans. L'aventure a démarré lorsqu'elle est arrivée sur Internet en 1994 avec la première exposition virtuelle de ses créations puis l'envoi des newsletters dans lesquelles Max partageait ce qui inspirait son univers créatif. Elle y dévoilait aussi son intérêt pour l'écologie et l'agriculture biologique avec des recettes personnelles 'bio', des adresses pour soutenir le commerce équitable et les artisans... Le respect pour le milieu et des gens qui nous entourent, ainsi que le plaisir de partager les choses simples et parfois essentielles, ont donné naissance à la Sama Epicurian Fraternal Society.

Artiste engagée en faveur des Droits de l'Homme depuis son adolescence, elle lance en 2003 une newsletter qui regroupait des informations concernant le génocide qui se déroulait au Darfour (Soudan) afin d'attirer l'attention sur la situation ; touchés par les faits rapportés, les Samayans ont été très nombreux à contribuer activement à la diffusion de ces informations. Ils ont ainsi permi d'assoir les fondations du MagkaSama Project qui sera lancé en 2007. En 2010, toujours sous l'impulsion de ces membres et leur volonté de faire évoluer la société vers un monde plus engagé, ouvert et tolérant, Max Dana a décidé de lancer officiellement la Sama Fraternal Society.

C'est par les initiatives lancées ou soutenues par Max Dana mais aussi par les contenus publiés sur les différents sites du World of Sama, que chacun est invité à soutenir une ou plusieurs causes ou actions en fonction de ses possibilités et de sa sensibilité. Si le MagkaSama Project invite les Samayans à participer à des événements autour des Droits de l'Homme, l'égalité femmes-hommes ou encore la lutte contre les descriminations, les initiatives autour de ces thématiques vont souvent au-delà et s'étendent à l'environnement, l'éthique, la justice... Les sujets sont vastes et permettent à chacun de prendre à la fois connaissance des enjeux et conscience des défis à relever. La Sama Fraternal Society regroupe ainsi des personnes vivant dans le monde entier qui souhaitent participer et agir, à l'échelle personnelle, familiale, amicale ou professionnelle dans un esprit ouvert et tolérant afin de faire avancer les choses de manière positive.

Plus de 10 ans après son lancement officiel, la communauté Samayan n'a cessé de s'agrandir et ses membres sont plus actifs que jamais. Si vous hésitiez encore à vous engager dans une démarche positive, c'est le moment de rejoindre le mouvement ! :)

The Sama Fraternal Society
Photo Illustration © Shane Rounce / Liam Edwards


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