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From a young age, Max nurtured a deep passion for art and poetry, showcasing her inquisitive and imaginative mind alongside her precocious writing talents. Her earliest poems were characterized by abstract language and metaphors, reflecting her unique perspective. During her high school years, she took the initiative to establish a self-published student-run newspaper, a photocopied (fan)zine, providing a platform for exchanging thoughts and opinions on diverse subjects. Within its pages, Max delved into topics ranging from geopolitics to space and video games. Inspired by the works of Shakespeare, she penned a play at the age of 17, drawing inspiration from Jean-Paul Sartre's 'Huis Clos' (No Exit), delving into the theme of history's cyclic nature. Later, influenced by hip-hop culture and social justice movements, Max ventured into directing her first short film, exploring the concept of citizenship within a fractured society. With a fervent interest in journalism and photography, Max initially set her sights on becoming a photojournalist. More here
Max Dana
" Observer et s'interroger, en permanence. Faire le choix d'une pensée qui n'est ni formatée ni univoque, celui d'un questionnement herméneutique éclairé pour rendre à l'altérité la place qu'elle doit tenir dans nos sociétés parfois encore trop normatives et souvent individualistes. User de l’exercice de la raison, des nuances de conception, de la multiplication des points de vue et de l'unité sous-jacente aux contradictions. L'exprimer et le partager de manière constructive à travers l'écriture, l'oralité, l'art... Etre, dans le sens le plus profond qui soit."
Stories By Max Dana

It all began with the color black. Max Dana has harbored a longstanding fascination with this achromatic hue, which absorbs light and energy. The pivotal moment occurred when she first encountered Pierre Soulages' "Outrenoir" paintings, sparking a revelation within her. Drawing inspiration from her affinity for black and influenced by East and Asian cultures, Max has developed a unique and imaginative artistic style that delves into cultural experiences and weighty subjects, all while seeking to uphold a delicate balance in a world of contrasts. This artistic expression spans a multitude of mediums, encompassing painting, pencil drawing, photography, design, mixed media, video, sculptural installations, and, notably, writing. Her renowned work within The World of Sama serves as an allegory for our own world, shrouded in mystery and inhabited by the Sama – peaceful and enigmatic beings from an alternate dimension, one of the many concealed realms of M-theory. These creatures, imbued with positive energy, safeguard human beings known as the Chibi with their benevolent influence... More here
Max Dana
" L'imaginaire remonte à l'enfance, il permet de s'évader du monde réel, de créer un univers unique et personnel que nous sommes alors les seuls à percevoir. Un privilège, une exclusivité en somme qui évolue avec nous et nos questionnements, que l'on peut conserver pour soi à tout jamais ou bien partager avec d'autres sous une forme créative. Le Monde des Sama s'est au fil des années enrichit de cette expérience pour offrir modestement au monde, un message d'espoir et d'empathie."
Art By Max Dana
'Peace' Ink on Paper By Max Dana

The mid-1980s marked a significant turning point in Max's journey. Immersed in the hip-hop and graffiti art movement, she began painting murals in Paris/La Défense, France. It was during this period that da-eYe, the clever and playful one-eyed character, came into existence. Since then, da-eYe has evolved into a prominent figure across various mediums and platforms, including wall decals, stickers, prints, clothing, and even a 3D edition. A decade later, Max's childhood dreams materialized with the emergence of the World of Sama and its benevolent creatures from alternate dimensions. Max's passion for astrophysics, quantum cosmology, and Steampunk inspired her to create a new character reflective of her own geeky and inquisitive nature: Max Von Sama, The Explorer. Venturing aboard the Sama Airship, this character embarked on a journey to unravel the mysteries of the Fermi Paradox and explore uncharted territories. More here
Max Dana
" Des premiers émois vidéoludiques au roller freestyle sur des rythmes hip-hop Place du Trocadéro à Paris, en passant par les graffitis sur les murs de La Défense, l'ébullition créative de ces univers riches de leurs diversités est source d'inspiration et d'engagements. Chaque période a donné naissance à des personnages encrés dans leur temps : créatures polymathes veillant sur l'humanité avec les Sama ; oeil facétieux et impertinent avec da-eYe, ou bien encore exploratrice Steampunk défiant le paradoxe de Fermi avec Max Von Sama."
Free jam Dee Nasty & Johnny Go, Friche de la Chapelle (Paris, France) / 1986 @Enrique
Free jam Dee Nasty & Johnny Go, Friche de la Chapelle (Paris, France) / 1986 @Enrique

Max Dana's creative endeavors transcend the realm of illustration. Drawing inspiration from her grandmother, a skilled seamstress, she blended her affection for vintage clothing with her commitment to sustainability, crafting her inaugural collection in the early 1990s through the art of repurposing old garments. Max's immersion in haute couture during her internship at Christian Dior further enriched her artistic journey. Fueled by these encounters, Max consistently pursues excellence, utilizing artisanal materials and premium fabrics. She places a profound emphasis on craftsmanship and Métiers d'Art, infusing her creations with environmentally conscious production techniques while advocating for local manufacturing. Embracing a philosophy of exclusivity, most of her clothing line, handbags, accessories, and furniture pieces are released in limited editions, with a significant portion proudly bearing the label "Made in France," championing the country's rich tradition of craftsmanship. More here
Max Dana
" Honorer les femmes et les hommes qui au travers de leur métier font perdurer des savoir-faire parfois ancestraux et les subliment par leur expérience acquise avec persévérance. Passage de témoin autant historique que culturel, l'artisanat compte à ce titre parmi le patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'humanité. Mise en lumière par la simplicité apparente d'un geste parfaitement maitrisé, par la qualité des matières utilisées autant que par la complexité de sa réalisation, la création artisanale ne souffre d'aucun élément superfétatoire"
Les mains du lissier pendant le tissage, Tapisserie d’Aubusson (France) ©Chantal Andoque, 2008
'Les mains du lissier pendant le tissage, Tapisserie d’Aubusson' (France) / 2008 ©Chantal Andoque - UNESCO

Following a prosperous career in management and consulting, Max opted to allocate more time to her creative pursuits and philanthropic endeavors. From reporting on the Tiananmen Square protests and the Sudanese coup d'état in her student newspaper to advocating for awareness about the genocide in Rwanda and instances of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Max consistently exhibits a dedication to global citizenship, actively championing its advancement. In the early 2000s, she played an active role in raising awareness about the Darfur genocide in Sudan. Inspired by the impact of this campaign, she established The Sama Fraternal Society as a precursor to the creation of the MagkaSama Project. This organization aims to foster unity and mobilize action on issues such as human rights and environmental conservation. In 2008, Max collaborated with the international non-governmental organization The Elders for their Every Human Has Rights global event. In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Max launched the "60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary" Initiative, garnering support from influential organizations worldwide. More here
Max Dana
" Quand à une certaine insouciance succède une forme de gravité dont il sera difficile de se détacher. Face à ces drames qui se jouent sous nos yeux et qui ne cessent de se répéter, face à un monde qu'il faut réparer, l'optimisme de la prise de conscience ne prend son sens que par l'action. Voir l'autre comme source d'enrichissement, fut-il personnel, afin de poser les bases d'un respect mutuel pour dessiner un avenir commun dans lequel chacun, dans son identité propre, héritée ou construite serait solidaire du sort de l’humanité. L'universalité d'un lien qui unit l'humanité toute entière et dont il faut veiller, chaque jour, à ne jamais se défaire au risque d'oublier qui nous sommes vraiment"
'60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary' Initiative By Max Dana
'60 Signers for the 60th Anniversary' Initiative By Max Dana - The MagkaSama Project (2008)

Max Dana is recognized for her inclination towards privacy, often keeping a low profile and shying away from media attention and public appearances. She prefers to let her work speak for itself, forging connections primarily through her art and actions. Despite her reserved nature, Max has maintained an online presence since the mid-90s and has garnered a devoted following from her fans. Over time, she has cultivated a strong bond with her audience. By subscribing to the Exclusive Content Newsletter, you can access works in progress, sneak peeks, event invitations, Q&A sessions with Max, and more! Additionally, exclusive offers such as 'The Sama Box', 'The Message', or access to the '3615 MaxDana' Minitel experience are also available. More here
Max Dana
" Le processus créatif induit la capacité de pouvoir observer le monde pour l'interpréter. Quelle que soit la forme qu'elle revêt, la création, dans sa sérendipité ou dans sa forme plus réflexive, doit se révéler au plus profond de nous-mêmes. Si la parole humaine peut embellir le monde, il ne faut pour autant rien céder à un ultracrépidarianisme omniprésent mais plutôt tenter d'é(mer)veiller les esprits curieux et ouverts afin de les rendre capables de (se) questionner sur la compléxité de notre époque avec un regard critique et vigilent"

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